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Results for "tradition: "Christianity - Anglican", latest_content: 1"
Grateful A description of a high school graduation as an arena of thanksgiving.
The Book of Joy His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu on how to recognize compassion in a person.
The Book of Joy An illuminating dialogue on the spiritual practice of joy and its eight pillars.
Liturgy of the Ordinary A winsome tribute to the everyday spirituality of chores, maintenance, small moments, and unheralded acts of kindness.
Liturgy of the Ordinary An example of how to change an imprinted behavior, such as checking your smartphone first thing in the morning.
A Way to God Matthew Fox on reaching a place of deep ecumenism.
A Way to God An adventuresome spiritual journey through the common themes in the wisdom of Thomas Merton and Meister Eckhart.
Silence: A User's Guide A Christian perspective on the mysterious otherness of our selves, others, and the creation.
Silence: A User's Guide An affirmation of the work of silence as edifying and renewing.
Like Trees Walking Jane Sigloh on what is lost when forgetfulness becomes Alzheimer's disease.